Map - Thái Nguyên (Thành Phố Thái Nguyên)

Thái Nguyên (Thành Phố Thái Nguyên)
Thái Nguyên is a city in Vietnam. It is the capital and largest city of Thái Nguyên Province. The city is listed as a first class city and is the ninth largest city in Vietnam. It has long been famous throughout Vietnam for its Tân Cương tea, among the most recognized Vietnamese tea regions. In 1959, it become the site of Vietnam's first steel mill, and is now home to a large and growing major regional university complex.

The city played an important role in Vietnam's struggles for independence during the French colonial era.

The Thái Nguyên uprising in 1917 was the "largest and most destructive" anti-colonial rebellion in French Indochina between the Pacification of Tonkin in the 1880s and the Nghe-Tinh Revolt of 1930–31. In August 1917, Vietnamese prison guards mutinied at the Thai Nguyen Penitentiary, the largest one in the region. With the aid of the freed inmates – common criminals as well as political prisoners – and weapons captured from the provincial arsenal, the rebels were able to take over control of local government offices. They then established a fortified perimeter, executed French officials and local collaborators, and called for a general uprising. Although they were only able to hold the city for five days, French forces were not able to pacify the surrounding countryside until six months later, leaving many casualties on both sides.

During the First Indochina War, the province played an important role as a safe area (abbreviated ATK in Vietnamese for An Toan Khu, 安全区) for the Viet Minh. In 1956 the town became the headquarters of the northernmost military region, called Viet Bắc, until reunification in 1975.

Originally a small township including four residential quarters, two towns, and six communes with a combined population of approximately 140,000, Thái Nguyên became a city on 19 October 1962. Before that date, the area was a part of Đồng Mô commune, Đồng Hỷ district.

Map - Thái Nguyên (Thành Phố Thái Nguyên)
Google Earth - Map - Thái Nguyên
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Thái Nguyên
Map - Thái Nguyên - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Thái Nguyên - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Thái Nguyên - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Thái Nguyên - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Thái Nguyên - OpenTopoMap
Map - Thái Nguyên - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Thái Nguyên - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Thái Nguyên - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Thái Nguyên - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Thái Nguyên - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Vietnam
Flag of Vietnam
Vietnam or Viet Nam (Việt Nam, ), officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia. It is located at the eastern edge of mainland Southeast Asia, with an area of 311699 km2 and population of 96 million, making it the world's sixteenth-most populous country. Vietnam borders China to the north, and Laos and Cambodia to the west. It shares maritime borders with Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand, and the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia through the South China Sea. Its capital is Hanoi and its largest city is Ho Chi Minh City (informal popular name is Saigon).

Vietnam was inhabited by the Paleolithic age, with states established in the first millennium BC on the Red River Delta in modern-day northern Vietnam. The Han dynasty annexed Northern and Central Vietnam under Chinese rule from 111 BC, until the first dynasty emerged in 939. Successive monarchical dynasties absorbed Chinese influences through Confucianism and Buddhism, and expanded southward to the Mekong Delta, conquering Champa. The Nguyễn—the last imperial dynasty—surrendered to France in 1883. Following the August Revolution, the nationalist Viet Minh under the leadership of communist revolutionary Ho Chi Minh proclaimed independence from France in 1945.
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
VND Vietnamese đồng ₫ 0
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  China 
  •  Khmer Republic 
  •  Laos